Seeds of Renewal | Life Experiences
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Life Experiences

We all experience various forms of anxiety and mood dis-ease in our life-times. Most often we sort out our inner and outer discomforts without too much difficulty ;  sometimes we need to sit with a trusted person, who can share skills, knowledge, and life built wisdom to support you toward new awareness, strengthened relationships, and improved health.

We treat common issues from life stage adjustments, depressions, anxieties, to complex trauma.

Some common issues you may experience….


There are different types of depression. I see depression as a response to past or current environmental stressors on the mind or body. It is best to explore your individual experiences in order to help lift the heavy feelings of depression.  Depression has personal causes and is best treated individually and holistically.


Unmet needs equal anxiety. Anxiety is a natural way our body and mind tells us something is not as we need it to be. It is important to explore the conscious and subconscious causes of anxiety. Unmet needs can mean ‘not enough of something’ or ‘too much of something’.  Balancing  the gratification of our needs is when we feel most comfortable.

Relationship difficulties/conflict

Friendships, Couples,  Families can be wonderful when working well. People do their best to relate to each other but sometimes old patterns get in the way, and conflict or harm can occur in individuals or whole families. Taking time to explore your ‘family of origin’ patterns and dynamics helps us to notice (mindfulness) our learned  parts and roles.

Social Difficulties (self-esteem, boundaries, assertiveness, identity)

Grief  & Loss of someone or something important to you or your community (can be distressing and complicated)

Parenting support  (0-Adult / Skills/ Carers Stress)

Goal setting support (Disability / Students/ Health goals)

Life Stage adjustment (adolescence – aging) Can feel lost and in crisis as we pass through it.

Family life cycle adjustment (as family member age and adjust into their next ‘Life Stage’ Families can feel confused and overwhelmed.

Emotional abuse (domestic violence hotline 1800 737 732)

Bipolar (Understanding your mood swings)

Complex Relational Trauma ( Borderline PD )

Dissociative Identity (DID)

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress)

Narcissistic abuse syndrome (Recovery support)

Psychosis (Existential Crisis / Schizophrenia/Recovery Model)

Suicide prevention (Ideation/risk/attempts/education/ Family support/Skills to stay safe and well)

I am experienced and ready to support you and others you are concerned about.  If in crisis out of hours please call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1800 273 8255 or Google ‘Suicide Call Back Service’ and use video or telephone chat.