Seeds of Renewal | About
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My philosophy is to provide a warm and safe  environment to explore your concerns and work together toward  awareness, understanding, change, and improved peace and wellbeing.  I offer a wide range of quality therapies targeted to your personal needs and situation.

I am alternative to clinical approaches and tend not to focus on diagnosis too much.  I, and many others realise that most of our behaviours, emotional and mental distress,  are  natural and normal responses to past and current environmental stress.  I am passionate about the power of relationships to heal, and very aware of their power to hurt. We are social beings, and thrive best when in secure relationship with ourselves, others, and our natural environment.

This is why I practice from  ‘systems’ models of  counselling and psychotherapies  ; we are all interconnected and what each of us does ripples and changes the relationships (systems)  we live in.  This is good to understand, as all we need to do is work on ourselves, in order to effect change in our relationships with our SELF and others.

Debra Scollard

Debra Scollard

Bachelor Of Social Work (B.S.W) MAASW

Mental Health AMHSW

Grad. Cert. Family Therapy

(Bouverie Family Centre)

Dip. Counselling

To book your appointment call 0423 964 059 or